


                Trail to Eagle 2018

It’s the most exciting time of the year, welcoming Arrow of Light Scouts into the troop. With the excitement comes their first campout at Boy Scouts - the Trail to Eagle (TTE) at Huntsville State Park.  This is "the" campout that launches you as young scout to the adventures of the outdoors. Don’t miss out! As a young Boy Scout, this campout opens up a plethora of advancement opportunities within the Scout and Tenderfoot Ranks and is filled with lots fun and fellowship with the scouts of Troop 266.

Older scouts, this campout presents an enormous opportunity to exhibit your leadership skills via coaching, mentoring and teaching the fundamentals of Boy Scouts skills to our new scouts. Annually the TTE has been a huge success primarily because the troop is scout led. We need you to keep up the tradition! Your troop will need a lot of older scouts to help because of the large class of new scouts. Let’s take this to the next level, SO SIGN UP by February 23, 2018.

Each attendee will need the Annual BSA Health & Medical Record (AHMR) Parts A & B completed and submitted to our Health & Safety coordinator David Ridgeway, copied, prior to the campout. We especially ask that parents direct our Adult Leader’s and Health & Safety Coordinator’s attention to any medical / psych conditions or issues their Scouts may have.

During meetings in February, the Troop will talk about personal gear that the Scouts need for camping, and how Troop / Patrol gear is managed.  See the troop website for a packing list.

For additional information please contact Sean Rooney [email protected] 713-319-4420 or Matt Festa [email protected] 713-206-0398.

Registration Information

The cost to register is $25 per person.  Click here to REGISTER or complete the Trail to Eagle Permission Form and submit it to Mr. Rooney or Mr. Festa with a check payable to Troop 266.