MAY 4-6 Waterskiing Campout
In less than two weeks we will be embarking on the popular waterskiing campout on Lake McQueeney and camping in nearby Palmetto State Park. The dates are May 4-6, 2018.
The cost will be $100 for each waterskiing scout and adult and $35 for each non-skiing scout or adult. This fee includes Saturday lunch at the Lake Breeze Lodge. In addition, there will be the usual $10-15 for walking around money at Buc-ees.
All scouts and adults participating in any water activities (skiing, pool) will have to be current on their BSA swim test. If you want to go skiing but did not participate in the recent swim test, please shoot me an email. We are going to arrange a make-up this weekend time and date TBD.
All skiers will also have to fill out the NLSkiing Waiver form you will find at the end of the registration (link below) or attached to the Troop Blast to be sent out. Please fill this out if you are skiing and turn into Mr. Ewing at the next Troop meeting.
Due to the shortness of time, I need to ask you all to sign up ASAP so we can obtain an accurate headcount and let me know if you need a swim test.
Registration and Forms for this Campout
To Register click on this Link – Waterskiing Campout |
Click on these links for the campout – For camping checklists click here – |